The majority of the nation’s blood banks have a one-day supply of Type O blood and you can do something about it.
We are in the midst of the dog days of summer. The novel coronavirus COVID-19 continues to spread with no end in sight. The weather is hot and we are all looking for some much-needed reprieve.
Sadly, you have come to the wrong place.
This month’s edition of RatLinks is a bit less fun and a bit more informative, but don’t let that raise your pressure.
For a little more fun see last month’s edition: Summa Summa Summertime
Today, we are going to discuss something you rarely think about, but if you lost 40% of it you could die.
A subject that is so vital, it is part of you. Coursing through your every vein.
Yet we have a collective problem, our nation’s supplies are depleted and you.
Yes, YOU can change that.
Vampires crave it. The Nile River once turned into it.
We are talking about: BLOOD
Essential to life, yet rarely thought of.
The average human has between 8-12 pints (1.2-1.5 gallons) of it.
Blood circulates through our bodies delivering essential substances like oxygen and nutrients to cells. To prove it can do both, blood also transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.
There is no substitute for blood. It cannot be artificially made or manufactured. Generous blood donors are the only source of blood for patients in need of a blood transfusion, but the majority of the nation’s blood banks have a one-day supply or less of Type O blood.
CALL TO ACTION: If you are healthy enough, please consider donating blood. Did you know you can donate once every 8 weeks. Find a nearby location where you can donate blood!
Throughout the country, blood centers are reporting inventories falling to their lowest levels since the early stages of the pandemic as the nation’s hospitals resume elective surgeries. In addition, blood drives continue to be canceled, as many businesses, high schools and community organizations remain closed, and social distancing measures have limited blood centers’ ability to collect blood at prepandemic levels. The availability of an adequate blood supply is a key aspect of ensuring optimal treatment for all patients and must be replenished to help prevent shortages during the coming weeks and months. (source: aabb.org)

Blood is made up of four components:
Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells represent 40%-45% of your blood volume. Generated from your bone marrow at a rate of four to five billion per hour and have a lifecycle of about 120 days in the body.
Platelets are an amazing part of your blood. Platelets are the smallest of our blood cells and literally look like small plates in their non-active form. Platelets control bleeding. Wherever a wound occurs, the blood vessel will send out a signal. Platelets receive that signal and travel to the area and transform into their “active” formation, growing long tentacles to make contact with the vessel and form clusters to plug the wound until it heals.
Plasma is the liquid portion of your blood. Plasma is yellowish in color and is made up mostly of water, but it also contains proteins, sugars, hormones and salts. Plasma transports water and nutrients to your body’s tissues.
White Blood Cells
Although white blood cells (leukocytes) only account for about 1% of your blood, they are very important. White blood cells are essential for good health and protection against illness and disease. Like red blood cells, they are constantly being generated from your bone marrow. Whie blood cells flow through the bloodstream and attack foreign bodies, like viruses and bacteria. They can even leave the bloodstream to extend the fight into tissue. (source: One Blood)
There are eight types of blood.
Heredity determines your blood type, and your blood type determines who you can accept your blood donations.
Type O blood is in the most demand because Type O Negative red blood cells can be given to people in any blood group.
Do you know your blood type? Shockingly most people don’t.

Due in part to COVID related shutdowns, supplies of blood are down to one day in most areas. The American Red Cross, which supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood, said more than 30,000 planned blood drives have been canceled since mid-March.
The reopening of the economy means the reopening of blood drives. Which means if you can donate blood, you should! Approximately 1,000 people are dying each day from COVID-19 related illnesses. For some, the availability of blood is a matter of life and death and you can be the difference-maker.
The term hero is thrown around a lot these days.
When was the last time you were referred to as one?
How about today?
Why not be someone’s hero

Did you know if you donate you may also be eligible for a free COVID antibody test, a t-shirt, or an Amazon gift card. If you send a photo of you donating blood it may be featured here.

The Red Cross has donation centers across the country, some very close to where you are right this second.
Wondering where the closest donation center is? The link below is here for you
I look forward to seeing you there. Maybe we can share a sugar cookie and some orange juice.